Wednesday at Amnesia Ibiza..La Troya presents “Cinema” and there is also Paris Hilton with “Foam and Diamonds”!

Next  Wednesday 20th of August, at Amnesia ibiza..a super double event!
In the same night will be celebrated La Troya.. and this week the party is named “Cinema”!
Karl Morin, manager of La Troya, said us:”This week we offer you a new theme that is Cinema A theme that reach everyone cause who doesn’t have a favourite movie or a favourite actor.And who doesn’t remember and emotion about a film that he saw,so this week it is a tribute to cinema to the fantasy and the emotions that we live so many times watching a movie,so come and play your best character and maybe Paris Hilton will bring you to Hollywood to meet Spielberg So come on and most of all let’s dream...”.

So be ready.. because la Troya ia a party still with many surprises ..and don’t forget… in the other room there is again, after the sold out of last two weeks, Mrs Paris Hilton with her  show: “Foam and diamonds”, that for the second year has been successful event!
And Ibiza by night will follow both parties!

Here you have the poster of La troya!

For further infos:
