What’s going to happen in Ibiza?

What’s going to happen in Ibiza?

This is the question we receive every day, several times a day.

The answer is always the same.

We don’t know, unfortunately.

Let’s start with the data – unfortunately – certain: on the island the cases of Covid -19 have increased.

Just connect to some of the local newspapers (Periodico De Ibiza, Diario de Ibiza etc) and you can find it.

Will the increase in cases lead to restrictions? At the moment no measures have been taken yet, but – realistically and honestly – it cannot be excluded that this will happen in the coming days.

We suggest – as we have always done – to consult reliable newspapers and institutional sites for all the updates on the island. Our wish, our wish is that summer 2021 can continue peacefully on the island which, believe us, is beautiful again this year.

In any case Ibiza By Night will update you only  with  official news as we make since 10 years.

Stay tuned.

The team of Ibizabynight.net