Ibiza By Night meets Domenico D’Aniello, President of DIPEF “DJ’s i Productors D’Eivissa i Formentera”: the interview!

Domenico D’Aniello (in the picture below) since a couple of weeks is the president of DIPEF “DJ’s i Productors D’Eivissa i Formentera”  the association that brings together some of the most influential djs and producers of the Balearic Island.

Domenico was born in Naples, Italy, graduated in Science of communications and has been living  in Ibiza for many years.

Ibiza By Night met Domenico to talk about this new project and, above all, what is happening in Ibiza.

IBN: Domenico D’Aniello and Ibiza…tell us as everything started…

Domenico:My career in the Electronic Music Industry started the first day I put my feet in Ibiza. May 2006 was the beginning for me of a passion that became a job. Starting as a pr for Privilege Ibiza in 2006 I became in 2016 the Booking and Event Manager of the biggest club in the world. I did learn so much at Privilege Ibiza, from promotion to booking the best artists and parties. In May 2018 I landed in my new home Heart Ibiza, where together with a super team, we worked to bring the best line ups and the most forward thinking ideas.”

IBN: How was the association’s project born and who is it for?

Domenico: “The idea to bring together Djs & Producers of Ibiza & Formentera in an association able to represent them in front of public institutions or private companies, has already some years, and now with DIPEF “DJ’s i Productors D’Eivissa i Formentera” is a reality. The promoters of it are big personalities of the local music industry like DJ Oliver, Anna Tur, David Moreno, Igor Marijuan, Rafael Ariza, Paloma Tur, Tania Moon, Mariana Tur, Adrian Tur y  Maya among others. DIPEF arises as a response to a need for teamwork in the music sector of Ibiza and Formentera.

IBN: What are the objectives?”

Domenico:”Among many objectives, DIPEF wants to achieve the professionalization of the economic activity of both the DJ and the local producer. We want to promote academic and professional training. Promote as well the electronic music culture as one of the most important characteristic of Pitiusas Islands.”

IBN:The figure of the DJ in the period of covid 19 was heavily penalized: how can it be suitably enhanced?

Domenico:”We need to work with the government to get effective help for the local DJs and Producers and promote activities on the educational and cultural aspects that electronic music offers. We need to get economic support and be able to promote cultural events linked to electronic music.”

IBN:Ibiza is the island where everyone wants to play or say that “they played”, with your association you will protect who “actually” plays in ibiza?

Domenico:”Another strong point in the agenda of DIPEF is to protect the local artists from the intrusion of people that without giving anything to the island, pretend to get the benefits of years and years of hard work. Being a resident Dj or Producer of Pitiusas Island means to put the respect for the island first, contribute for the develop of the music scene in it, work hard for our cultural heritage and being a proud representant of the brand Ibiza. Being a part of the island, not to take advantage of it.

IBN: Ibiza 2021, after almost two years of inactivity, how do you see the prospects for the island and especially for music?

Domenico:”I believe that Ibiza will come back as strong as ever, not immediately but in a progressive and sustainable way. Music shall play the role it deserves, Ibiza is and it has to remain a world capital for electronic music and institutions, public and private ones, have to work to keep Ibiza as a pioneer place for the music industry and everything related to that: culture, tourism, jobs…

IBN:How do you intend to interact with the institutions?

Domenico:”DIPEF wants to work as strictly as possible with the institutions, we want to go hand by hand with the governmental ones as mush as with any initiatives which put the growing of the music on the islands in their focus.

IBN:Your future projects?

Domenico:”Do well as president of DIPEF of course and if everything goes well, being involved in a new forward thinking project here in Ibiza, but about that at the moment I cannot say anything. I promise, Steve you are going to be the first one to know.”

Thanks Domenico!