Walking Ibiza celebrates ten years!

Our friends of Walking Ibiza this week will celebrate 10 years, and they have a truly intriguing program, as they explained:”The 10th anniversary week is here! Staring on Sunday October 4th with the secret tunnel walk with our new guide James, and then a great way to get your mind and body in the right place is to join our Mindful walk on Monday which are now are 9am, and my wonderful Mum will be showing you a side of Bossa you maybe don’t know about on Wednesday!

Then the celebrations really happen on Friday the 9th and Saturday the 10th.

We will have 5 walks on each day followed by a really tasty lunch at a secret location near San Mateu. You are welcome to join a walk & lunch or just a walk or the lunch!


It will be great to see you and mark this moment in history and the celebrate all the success stories of people that have walked with us and had life changing experiences, make life long friends, business connections and so much more, so come along and lets make history!

We will also be collecting food and making a monetary collection for the Ibiza Food Bank as there are many people who are struggling to even feed themselves on the island at the moment, so please bring some non perishable food with you and the guide will take it or you can make a monetary donation also on the 9th and 10th.

Then on Sunday 11th we have our new family walk, a great way for adults and kids to connect together, learn and breath in the great fresh air.”

So, happy anniversary Walking Ibiza!


0034 608 692 901 (Toby)

0031 639 125 227 (Ankhana)
0034 674 464 038 (Sheila)
