Ibiza 2020: was it supposed to be like this?

Ibiza 2020: was it supposed to be like this? We will never know.

But one thing is certain: Ibiza 2020 was really different.

This year Ibiza has been simply splendid, as beautiful as ever, with beaches not overcrowded and with a decidedly quality tourism.

At least as long as it was possible to get tourists to Ibiza peacefully.

But (because there is a but) … did it really have to go like this? We believe that laws must be respected, even those that have an “incomprehensible” logic.

In Ibiza 2020, clubbing and nightlife were hit beyond all reasonable limits: was it really necessary in these dimensions? Wasn’t it really possible to open the discos, perhaps the open air ones, to a few hundred people, perhaps sitting around the table?

In many countries they have done it and are doing it. In Ibiza it was not possible.

Institutional choices must be respected, but no one forces us to share them.

Especially when they have a “difficult to understand” logic.

Anyway, summer 2020 in Ibiza has ended. Our solidarity goes to the thousands of people who work directly or indirectly in clubbing and who are going through a time of serious economic difficulty.

We hope that Ibiza 2021 can start again in a big way, especially with a “political vision” different from 2020 and, above all, less penalizing.

Otherwise there is a very difficult future for “the white island”.