
“Ibiza by night” is a website about the night life in Ibiza. Please read the disclaimer


Ibiza by night is a non-profit project and does not organize events or sell tickets.

“Ibiza by night” communicates events just verified and supported by official posters or press releases.

“Ibiza by night” doesn’t have or accept any kind of responsibility for any changes in the programming of the events, cancellations or anything concerning changes of the set times & the organization of the events.

For further information we suggest to check the web & facebook pages of the artists & promoters involved.

“Ibiza by night” refuses responsibility of any kind of the before mentioned.


Sometimes Ibiza by night gives news about job opportunities in disco-club, parties, restaurants etc in Ibiza.

This happened because of there are many readers that contacted us asking if we had news  about job opportunities in Ibiza.

Ibiza by night isn’t a job agency and isn’t involved in any casting.

Ibiza by night  doesn’t receive any economical advantage or profit from castings.

Ibiza by night doesn’t assume any responsability for the job opportunities published on these pages: the job opportunities  are offered directly from the employers.

For further informations contact directly ONLY the organizers of castings at mentioned mail addresses.